Remember to Vote

Friendly reminder that we have a Town Hall for our community to learn about the upcoming Replacement Bond and Replacement Levy. A public tax expert will be present to answer any specific questions you may have on January 31, 2024.

Date: Wednesday, January 31, 2024
Time: 6:00 pm
Location: Deer Park Administration Office (N 428 Main St., Deer Park, WA)

Live streamed:

This information is also published on our District website under “events”. Click on the event for the Zoom link.

Additional dates/times to learn about the Replacement Bond & Replacement Levy:

  • Town Hall & School Visit: Saturday, February 3: Arcadia Elementary School (followed by a tour of the Transportation Center), 10:00 am;

  • Town Hall: Tuesday, February 6: District Administration Office, 6:00 pm (live streamed

Replacement Bond & Replacement Levy Information

Several questions have been raised about the Replacement Bond and Replacement Levy. Hopefully, this longer communication provides you with some information about each of the measures - tax implications, what it funds, the next steps, and what will happen if each measure does not pass.

Tax Facts: 

EP&O Replacement Levy (Proposition 1): 

  • This is a renewal; not a new tax. 

  • Our goal is to keep the tax rate as flat as possible. This is the third consecutive election where the District has requested $1.50/$1,000 replacement levy.

  • The maximum levy rate allowed by law is $2.50/$1000.

  • Voters approve a levy amount, and it does not change with increases or decreases with assessed values.

  • To be eligible for 100% of Local Effort Assistance funding (state levy matching funds) we must maintain a local levy of $1.50/$1,000.

Estimated costs

For both measures combined, the tax rate is estimated to return rates slightly less than they were in 2022 (projected to be $3.58/$1,000 of assessed value in 2025). The impact for an average single family home in Deer Park School District ($414,000) is estimated to cost an additional $214/pear compared to 2023, or $18/month. 

Why are you running these measures now?

EP&O Replacement Levy (Proposition 1): This is a renewal levy. We currently ask the voters to support the levy every 3 years.

Replacement Bond Measure (Proposition 2): Just as the District was planning for the future in 2007, we continue to plan for the future! The bonds from 2007 will be paid off in December 2024 and December 2025. These bonds were for the high school renovation and modernization and included the new auxiliary gym, 13 new classrooms, welding & shop, horticulture, commons, new tennis courts, stadium concessions, Deer Park Alternative High School building and more! Because this bond will be paid off and Deer Park has experienced significant growth, the District is seeking a replacement bond that will support a variety of projects and students when old taxes expire as we plan and prepare for the future! 

What do these measures support/pay for?

EP&O Replacement Levy (Proposition 1): The District’s revenue consists of 3 local, state, and federal funding sources. Our local revenues comprise about 6% of our total budget.

Although the state provides funding, it does not fund our schools and programs to fully meet the needs of our students, fully fund programs, or help provide resources to maintain or renovate our buildings. 

The levy currently funds staff (for smaller class sizes, STEM/music/art/drama teachers, counselors, nurses, school resource deputy, technology staffing), all extracurricular activities (activities, athletics, leadership, FFA, DECA, Band, Drama, Unified Sports, etc.).

Replacement Bond Measure (Proposition 2): 

The plan: pre-school will be moved out of the portables to DPE, the construction of a new elementary school (to serve grades 2-5), Home Link (modernize, renovate, and customize Arcadia), construction of a new transportation center, and renovate and modernize Deer Park Middle School. This bond is intended to plan for Deer Park School District's future for the next 20 years.

My assessed values are increasing, will my tax bill go up the same level?

No. School Districts ask voters for a total dollar amount and this amount does not change as your property values increase or decrease. Because of the growth in Deer Park, the total school tax rates have decreased over time, but your individual bill is custom to you based on your home value.

You can view your tax rates for the schools here:

What are the costs of these projects?

EP&O Replacement Levy (Proposition 1): To maintain the $1.50/$1,000 of assessed value, the total cost is the following: 

  • 2025: 3,517,590; 

  • 2026: 3,737,439; 

  • 2027: 3,924,311. 

Replacement Bond Measure (Proposition 2):  The bond ask is for $62,000,000. Here is a breakdown of the estimated costs:

  • New Transportation Facility: $6 million;

  • New Elementary School: $44 million (+ $5 million of state match);

  • New road infrastructure: $4 million;

  • Renovate, modernize & customize Arcadia for Home Link: $4 million (+ $9 million of state match);

  • Renovate & modernize Deer Park Middle School: $4 million (+ $9 million of state match).

The total construction costs equate to $85 million, however, due to the current age and condition of our facilities, the district is eligible for state construction assistance funding which will provide $23 million of the funding needed for these projects. Thus, we are asking our local citizens to consider approving a $62 million bond. 

What is the plan if these measures do not pass?

If the measures do not pass, the Board of Directors will need to determine whether to run the EP&O Replacement Levy again in April, August or November, and determine the next course of action for the bond. To run additional elections adds additional time and cost. 

EP&O Replacement Levy (Proposition 1):

The District would need to prioritize staffing based on an analysis of the shortfalls of state funding and begin a process to determine the next steps. The information in the right column is what is currently funded through local levy dollars and would be eliminated if the levy does not pass. 

Personnel & Positions

State Funded (Apportionment)

District Total

Difference (state - district) in Personnel







35.5 Teachers

1.5 Librarians




3.3 Principals

Office Support



6.6 Secretaries

Central Office




Counselors & Psychologists 












Facilities, Maintenance, Grounds








Warehouse, mechanics




Central Office Admin




School Resource Deputy




Student extracurricular activities (athletics, sports, cheer, music, drama, Link Crew, FFA, DECA, etc.)




Replacement Bond Measure (Proposition 2): 

For example, if the bond does not pass and the Board of Directors runs another election cycle, this would potentially delay all of the projects by a year due to the delay of planning and weather (e.g., breaking ground opportunities). A delay would also increase costs due to inflation and an increase in construction costs. 

Should the bond not pass the following will be potential impacts on our students’ learning and safety:

  • Pre-school would remain in the portables;

  • Deer Park Elementary: Potentially in a situation similar to Arcadia with space constraints; examples may include, the elimination of common areas, the addition of portable classrooms ($500,000 min/portable), teachers teaching from a cart, and potentially larger class sizes; 

  • Arcadia: Teachers would continue to teach from carts without a “home” classroom, as they are currently doing now, with no commons area, no cafeteria, doubling up of PE classes, the addition of portables ($500,000 min/portable), potentially larger class sizes; 

  • Home Link: Home Link would continue to share with the District Administration. Classes in the hallways will still occur, and limitations with specialists and class options will remain limited;

  • Transportation: Will remain at the old mill (nearly 100 years old). Thirty (30) employees will share 2 bathrooms and 1 sink (which serves as the bathroom sink, mechanics’ wash sink, and dishwasher). They will continue to flood and manually need to pump water from the building, there will continue to be no confidential meeting space for sensitive conversations, and meetings will continue to be held in the garage (no training/meeting space);

  • No renovations, modernizations, or changes to Deer Park Middle School.

  • Traffic congestion at the roundabout will not be alleviated or changed.

If the bond does not pass, we will not be eligible for the state match ($23 million) nor will we acquire the property.