Join Us for Bond & Levy Town Hall!

Deer Park School District will be hosting three (3) town hall opportunities to learn about the February 2024 bond and levy.  We invite our community to learn more! 

  • Wednesday, January 31: 6:00 pm at the District Administration Office
  • Saturday, February 3: 10:00 am at Arcadia Elementary School (followed by a tour of the Transportation Center)
  • Tuesday, February 6: 6:00 pm at the District Administration Office

Learn more about the following:

Proposition 1) Educational Programs and Operations (EP&O) Renewal Levy: The EP&O levy is not a new tax. Proposition 2) Replacement Bond to Construct and Renovate Facilities: Bond funding will be used to address the growth and highest-priority facility needs for K-12, Home Link, and the transportation facility.
