May 23, 2023
THIS Thurs. May 25th @ 7:00 – Kindergarten and Eighth grade Graduation, at the DPHS Ken Fisher Performing Arts Theater. Our ceremony follows the final day of classes, with a reco...

May 15, 2023
Our End of the Year Fair is quickly approaching. Please pick up your food punch card for each family member attending from Connie.
10:00 "A Moment with Molly" bring...

May 2, 2023
What is GRIT?
grit (noun)
courage and resolve; strength of character
Grit is “sticktoitiveness;” a diligent spirit; the nagging conviction that keeps you pressing on...

April 24, 2023
Silverwood Tickets are here!
May 1 -through June 1. PARENTS you may pick up your students tickets at the Deer Park campus library. Students, you've all done a fabulous jo...
April 17, 2023
Begins May 1st through June 1st.
Please return all circulation library books during the month of May. The last day to checkout from the CL and DP circulation libraries is Thur...

April 11, 2023
Everyone who entered did a fantastic job! This year's winners are: 3rd-5th Grade - Henry Hatley, "The Dog I Once Lost" (1st place), Easton Brittain, "Moore or Less" (2nd plac...

March 16, 2023
End of the year deadlines are coming up quickly! Take note of the following dates:
Purchasing Deadline - Friday, April 14th is the LAST day to turn in your curriculum order f...

March 13, 2023
The character focus for March is ENCOURAGEMENT . Is there anything better?
1. the action of giving someone sup...

March 13, 2023
Are your children returning to Home Link next year?
Say YES!
If this is true – please remember to look through the registration packet that’s in your mailbox. It’s a good ...

February 15, 2023
Just a quick reminder for families that we're approaching a four-day weekend for students in Deer Park. When building the school calendar on an annual basis, Deer Park has always ...

December 19, 2022
Parent Resources:
Enchanted Learning ~ See Resource Room or Lab for login information.
OPAC ~ Online access to Home Link's library catalog.

July 28, 2022
HOME LINK Offices are open Monday - Friday 8:00 - 3:30
July 28, 2022
MEMO – May 22 through 26, 2023
The drums roll and the symbols clash, for ‘tis the final week of
classes! We have this Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday and
then… w...